Non-Human Primate Associated Injuries

Call Pitt Police 412-624-2121 on Pittsburgh Campus or dial 911 off-campus medical transport
  1. Locate and open a NHP Exposure Kit.
    1. Wash the wound immediately and continuously for 15 minutes with the scrub brush provided in the NHP Exposure Kit. Flush and rinse the wound well.
    2. For mucous membrane exposure (eye, nose, or mouth), continuously flush the mucous membrane area for 15 minutes using the eyewash station.

  2. Notify your supervisor and the DLAR facility veterinarian as soon as possible, but do not delay your trip to Employee Health Services or the Emergency Room if you cannot notify your supervisor or facility veterinarian in a timely manner.  Inform the veterinary staff which NHP(s) were involved in the injury or exposure.

  3. During clinic hours proceed immediately to MyHealth@Work (Employee Health Services), Medical Arts Building, Suite 505, 3708 Fifth Avenue, phone 412- 647-4949. Clinic hours are Monday to Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm.
    1. For injuries occurring during non-clinic hours or for any eye injury, proceed immediately to UPMC Presbyterian Hospital Emergency Department (200 Lothrop Street, phone (412) 647-3333. Take a copy of the appropriate informational handout contained in the NHP Exposure Kit with you to the emergency room.
    2. If the injury is life threatening or if the individual requires emergency medical transportation, call campus police at (412) 624-2121 on the Pittsburgh Campus, or dial 911 off campus for medical transport.

  4. After evaluation by medical professionals is completed, call 1-800-633-1197 to report a work-related injury (24 hours/day, 7 days/week).